Friday, April 23, 2010

Finding your motivation when you have none...

This is my constant battle. Yesterday morning I woke up depressed because it was raining outside and I really wanted to keep up my new goal of jogging a bit each day (Jodi is trying to talk me into that crazy 10k!!) So, instead of throwing in the towel because of the rain, I decided to try running in the rain. It was so invigorating!! I ran longer, stayed cooler, and something about the rain made it so much fun - like a movie or something!

I know that each day is a battle of, "Do I exercise or not? Do I eat healthy, or not?" I think this blog will help us all find motivation when we have none. It always helps me regain motivation when I hear other people talk about their little triumphs.

Tip: This doesn't work for everyone, but definitely for me. I exercise first thing in the morning so that I eat better throughout the day. When I am faced with a temptation, I can think, "I didn't walk up that hill and almost had a heart attack to waste my calories on that cookie!!"

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