Thursday, April 22, 2010

What works for you?

Well I haven't been too consistent with my running lately, but yesterday I decided that I wanted to run 6 miles. I wanted to run outside, but obviously Utah weather is unpredictable. I started out on the treadmill and made it about 2.7 miles. I was so bored, and my legs hurt. I decided to do the other 3.3 running on the track, and it was great. Do whatever you feel like! Switch it up if you need to. Do what works for you. My husband laughs, but sometimes I have to mentally push myself through things by saying, If someone offered you a million dollars could you do this? Granted all I get at the end of the run are sore legs and a foul odor! Anyway, we can all do what we set our mind to. With running, I think it's mind over matter. We'll see how far I can get on Saturday. . . . . What types of things do you do to push yourself to do 1 more set, 1 more mile, 1 more day??

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